Friday, June 25, 2010

Amazing Grace

...How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I am found
Was blind, but now I see.

When we've been there 10,000 years
Bright shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing God's grace
then when we've first begun.

Thank you God for your grace.
Sometimes I don't even know what the word grace is...
But that's why I have this one person in my life who continually reminds me of perfect love. Our relationship isn't perfect (what humans' is???) but the way someone can love me even after I've been in a terrible mood or been a selfish idiot for a matter of minutes just makes me wonder about God's love for me.
Thank you Lord for giving me people to remind me of how you care for us.
I just hope right now at this point in my life that I can use my gifts to glorify you.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Toot Toot. Here comes the train.

Hello. I'm Taylor (: The curious writer. I guess this is my first blog. I just wanted to see how it was to write about myself... although I hope not many people see it.
It's kinda creepy writing out my thoughts. I've always been a secretive person. I guess that's gonna have to change. XD
well... yeah. I'm Taylor. I love history and learning and stuff.
Well, time to get onto recent stuff.
School just ended a few weeks ago for the summer. I swore I'd read and write and do creative things all summer... but all I've done so far is sleep. Still fun, though. ^^
My friend Jena got me started on the blog. It's kinda weird for me writing all this stuff but I guess it'll just flow in a little while.
I guess a few of my current problems are fake people (I don't want to go to youth group because it is overrun with them), boredom (I wish I could get my lazy butt up to do some stuff), and lack of friends. XD I have a few extremely good ones, so I guess I can't really complain. At least I don't have a million crappy ones. Don't get me wrong, I still do have crappy ones. Who doesn't?
Like Aristotle said, "A friend to all is a friend to none". I wish I could tell a few people that face-to-face.
Neopets has been my ultimate source of entertainment lately. :D Makes me happy to write and roleplay warriors. Boo yah.
Alright well I'd better go. I'll update soon.
I wonder who's even reading this. 0___0 who am I talking to on here? Blog?
lol. The questions that arise.
God Bless.