Friday, July 30, 2010

Now You Know

Your words do taunt, they taunt me still
But haunt me then, they never will.
The hate you spawn won't come again.
You say it's me today, who has a coward's face?
It's come and bit your cruel heart
But you shut it out and tore it apart.
These things are real, so come and feel
The tears which drowned me, made me kneel!
I pray you'd wish that pain to stop,
It eats your life, let's your head drop.
Now will you know? Oh, do say so.
Come beg to me: Please let me go!

Injustices are easy,
they fight with tooth and nail,
And truth remains well-hidden,
but helps you to prevail.

Listen Now

I feel so uninvolved now, this weight has brought me down
So listen to my plea, now, and take off your haughty crown.
Overwhelming feeling of just need for sleep and rest
But longing for attention is pounding in my chest.
I feel the need for love, now, the songs are in my ears
Closing my eyes and sleep, now, will all be what they hear.
My tears flooding my throat, now, and cry loud in my lungs
My breath is short for you, now, to know what you have done.
This hate you grow is wrong, now, just realize and say
That you will change and know how I do every day.
I give you love more than you now could ever give
Time will either push or pull every day we live.
I can't look at you without wishing you would change
There are some things in this world you cannot arrange.
Hypocrite, you know, now, why I lament your soul;
Because I pray you change, soon, so we can both feel whole.


So cruel, so heartless
Please show me some light
You don't cast a pure thought
On giving me delight

Friends? I can say so
I depend on you so
Please don't let your half heart go
I do depend on you

The half thought you grant me
Just hurts me so deep
I'm seen by guilt and regret
My absent visitor is sleep

I could spend my time
Some place other than hate
When you give me laughter, it is so much joy
But I refuse to be your emotional toy.

Such negativity

A seringe of apathy in a disguise
The cloudless horror, the endless door
Let's open the holes we call our eyes
Why don't we see what's in store?
No more, please.
Such negativity.

Hollow hearts and deathless words
Live forever, so mend it fast
Fix your problems and pray to the Lord
Because things come and don't go... they last
Let's not have such negativity
Things will mend in the end.

Just pray,
That you will see the light of day.

:) Without you I'm a liner stranded in an ice flow...

I'm thinking of putting my poetry on here. I just hope someone won't steal it.
Oh, guardian of the poetry, please protect my dynasty. ^^
That-a rhymes. Told ya I was a poet. ^^

God has recently filled me with this exciting and uncontainable feeling to be artistic or get out my feelings/words to help someone else. Not sure how that will work, but I just want to be expressed.
Had a great night. Descended into another level of spiritual trials and awakenings. Lord, you are too wonderful for me to understand.
I love my Fuzzy. (:

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.

And I trust Him completely.

There's been a lot of change in the past two years on several different fronts:

Relationships between childhood friends and busyness and just separation in general from people I didn't think would leave my life. Some are just gone, and some just won't come back.
My great-grandmother died two years ago. She was a big impact in my life.
My grand mother, whom I was extremely close with, died this March. A year ago to this day I wouldn't have even dreamed about her dying in the next 10 years.
I'm moving. From the house I've been in for about 7 years. I never wanted to move, but now I will enjoy it... it's just different.
The head senior pastor of my church, an amazing man whose sermons are the best I've ever heard of, is leaving.

Well, a few comments on these things. I know that God will make good things come out of all of these. I've already started to see the difference. But then again, our lives are just the backside of a thread pattern; if you look on the back, it's just a messy weaving of ugly threads, but on the front is a beautiful design. Same concept with puzzle pieces.

My pastor is leaving...? I will attend my church until I die, because I have attended it since I was born; I'm loyal to it and its congregation. We are traditional and personally, I don't think any other church would be better for me.
He's going back to his home church to help the congregation there because the church is dying off since he left... so I understand, and I'm not mad... it's just upsetting.

Anyhow... I heard something the other day from a very ancient and respected devotional book that was written hundreds of years ago, and I've been thinking about what it said:

If you take offense from something, it's almost just as great a sin as the person who offended you.
This is true.
Because, Jesus took the ultimate offense: being persecuted, and dying for our sins when he was INNOCENT.
When we get upset about something that's happened in our lives, it's a sin because:
1) We're not trusting God to help us through
2) Jesus took the ultimate offense when he was INNOCENT and SINLESS and PURE (and we are not ANY of those as humans)
3) It's a pride factor.
If someone calls you stupid, and you get upset, it's because your pride has just been hurt.
If you try to ignore it and let it go past you (which is extremely difficult for some people, like me), then your pride is not in the way and God likes to see that.

Anyhow, enough about my preaching.
God Bless (:

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Well, everything seems nice right now. I know what you're thinking: "Taylor, watch out. A storm is gonna hit."
I know I know. And I get upset a lot with circumstances. I mean... A LOT. but seriously. If I really think about it, I am truly blessed. I have the Lord, my best friend whom I love more than anything, other friends who care about me just as much as I care about them (I'd trust them with my life), shelter, and a family who provides.
I am happy. Sure, I've been hit with the "storm". Thunder and lightning, baby.
But I love my life. And I need to remember this more often. Thank you Lord for everything.

Next few weeks to look at:
- I'm doing VBS at my church for the little kids this week
- Gonna be gone for two days shopping with my fuzzy
- I need to start training for fall soccer (AHHHHHHHH) by running MILES AND MILESSSS
- I'm getting a bunny?
- Parents are looking at a house to possibly move in to??
- Going to the beach with my fuzzy the last week of July
- SCHOOL. - surprisingly, I want to go back. I love LEARNING and writing and soccer and I hate missing a couple certain people (who I haven't really seen over the summer...)
- Looking at a car for me? :O It's not flashy or "cool", but I love it. It's such a Taylor-car. 1986 light blue volvo. fun fun. Can't get license until December though. I'm fine with that; Driving scares me.

Well I gotta go.
I'm not trying to be selfish right now because that's the last thing on my mind. I'm not really an attention seeker. I'm just happy. (: And I have to continually remind myself to be happy. I'm a thinking person, and thinking gets a person down. ^^
I know no one's reading this but I just wanted to remind myself:
TAYLOR. It doesn't matter if days can suck, but you have a good life.
Let's hope I remember this XD
I don't do diary's. lol. Anyhow.
God Bless
Psalm 18